Timely Careers, Northern Ireland’s first support service and jobs platform specialising in only flexible, part time, job share and term time job opportunities, has launched today aimed at providing women with skills training and career support who are returning to work following a break or who require reduced hours.
The social enterprise, part of the WIB Group, is a free support service for women returning to work which will include job posts spanning a wide range of industries.
Commenting at the launch Roseann Kelly, MBE said, “The employment rate for females in NI has been consistently lower than for males over the past ten years. For many women full–time work is simply not a realistic option, yet it is still often difficult to find skilled part–time jobs, careers and opportunities that respect the other commitments and demands in their lives.
“Career planning and peer support groups form an integral part of Timely Careers to ensure that women receive the right support needed to upskill, network and ultimately find a job that works for them and matches their skills and experience.
“We wanted to challenge perceptions and remove the obstacles and anxiety often faced by women who want to return to work. As well as enabling and empowering women we want to educate companies and employers on the value and benefits that offering part time roles can bring to a business including higher levels of productivity and increased staff retention.”
With more than 20 jobs already live on the site, Timely Careers aims to support businesses by connecting them to a unique pool of talent, unlocking new opportunities with the potential to have a positive impact on both their organisation and the local economy.
Launch event host Fibrus, one of the seven founding partners, believes that this innovative platform will help encourage more women into the telecoms sector and promote the career opportunities that exists within the industry.
Chief People Officer Linda McMillan said “We chose to be part of this scheme for many reasons. Fibrus is all about connecting communities and giving back to those areas in which we operate, which is why we wanted to become one of Timely’s founder partners.
“We want people to know that we’re here to support, educate and deliver opportunities to females regardless of the stage they are at in their career, or are taking the huge step of returning to the workplace following a break.
“A diverse and inclusive colleague base brings benefits to a business and adds value to its bottom line – that’s why Fibrus encourages women to consider working here.
“If we can help give women the confidence to step back into work, or support them in a career change, that’s where we want to be. It’s a hugely exciting initiative to be a part of.”
The remaining founding partners of Timely Careers include Danske Bank, Deloitte, Hughes Insurance, Version 1, Allstate and NIE Networks who have pledged their support for the next two years.