Families throughout Northern Ireland are being encouraged to sit down with their loved ones on Sunday December 11th and discuss their wishes on organ donation.
Recent figures show that only 37% of people in Northern Ireland are now on the NHS organ donor register. However, families will always have to consent to donation, irrespective of whether their loved one is on the organ donor register or not. Here in Northern Ireland the family refusal rate is 40% which is considerably higher than those in other Western European countries where it is often less than 20%.
84%* of people in Northern Ireland support organ donation and yet a common reason for families refusing to give consent is that the potential donor’s family were not aware of their loved one’s wishes.
Speaking about this year’s family discussion day specialist nurse, Karen McCammon, from British Heart Foundation Northern Ireland, commented, “December 11th has become a very important date in the organ donation calendar in Northern Ireland. This campaign is targeted at bringing about behavioural change and encouraging people to sit down together, have the conversation and consider how organ donation can completely transform people’s lives. Research has found that families who are aware of their loved ones wishes are more likely to donate their organs should the situation arise.”
“164 people are currently waiting for a transplant in Northern Ireland and sadly the chance will come too late for many. On average 10 people die per year as they don’t receive the vital organ they need. Through the organ donation discussion day on Sunday December 11th we want to ensure as many families as possible are aware of the benefits of organ donation and have the knowledge of what their loved ones would want.”
Jeremy McCook spoke of his family’s experience with organ donation following the loss of his son. “As a family having sat down and discussed the issue of organ donation, we found solace in the midst of our deep grief when our son Craig donated his organs following a tragic car accident in October 2014.
“It is a comfort to know that others are now having a better Christmas than they might have done, with help from our son. Having the conversation with your loved ones about your wishes is just as important as your personal decision to donate.”
Social media will play an integral role with families being encouraged to share that they have had the conversation and calling on others to do the same by posting their pictures and using the hashtag #Dec11Tellyourlovedones.
Supported by all charities and organisations that promote organ donation locally, the initiative has the full backing of the medical profession including the specialist nurses and doctors who directly liaise with the families on this sensitive issue.
Opt for Life, British Heart Foundation Northern Ireland and the British Medical Association all support this initiative. Details of the #Dec11tellyourlovedones ‘Organ Donation Discussion Day’ can be found at www.organdonationni.info