Karen Murphy, Live Stock and Meat Commission (LMC) and Finola Guinnane enjoy a juicy sirloin steak dinner similar to that offered as part of the last first class meal which was served onboard the infamous Titanic ship. But was the meat quality assured? Make sure yours is by picking up a Livestock and Meat Commission Northern Ireland Farm Quality Assured (NIFQA) beef recipe leaflet which provides quick, healthy, natural and nutritious beef recipes to be enjoyed by everyone as part of a balanced diet. The NIFQA Scheme guarantees quality, safety and traceability. To make sure your beef is quality assured simply look for the logo or ask your butcher/ retailer if your beef is farm quality assured as it is a clear indicator of quality. For further information and to download other quick and easy beef recipes simply log onto: www.lmcni.com
ENDSFor Further Information please contact Caroline Murphy at Aiken PR on 02890663000 or caroline@aikenpr.com